Saturday, November 28, 2015

UAS Shift Work Schedule

UAS Shift Work Schedule
Shawn M. Wyne
ASCI 638 – Human Factors in Unmanned Systems
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
The long duration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) flight creates a new phenomenon for aviation. With aircraft that can stay aloft as much as 40 hours at a time, pilots and flight crews must operate in shifts to accomplish a mission. In a military unit that controls multiple UAS at a time, personnel manning must be sufficient to cover 365/24/7 operations. Like other professions that have no down time, such as police and hospital nurses, a schedule must be created for employees to cover multiple shifts. This paper analyzes a current UAS squadron’s shift schedule and proposes changes for the purpose of decreasing fatigue among flight crews.
Keywords: UAS, fatigue, shift work, schedules
UAS Shift Work Schedule
A United States Air Force (USAF) UAS squadron operating MQ-1B Medium Altitude, Long Endurance (MALE) aircraft operates 24/7, 365 days a year. The crews in this squadron are assigned to four teams on a continuous shift work schedule of six days on, two days off (Figure 1). Unfortunately, crews have been reporting excessive levels of fatigue, and complain of inadequate levels of sleep due to their schedule. Fatigue is a problem, especially when operating aircraft, because it has been shown to adversely affect performance (Wickens, Gordon, & Liu, 1998). Previous research indicates nearly 50% of UAS operators meet the threshold for levels of daily sleepiness that is expected to negatively affect job performance and safety (Tvaryanas, Platt, Swigart, Colebank, & Miller, 2008). A new schedule is presented to accommodate known issues related to fatigue resulting from shift work.
The current schedule causes excessive levels of fatigue in its participants because of several reasons. The first reason is because the schedule disrupts crews’ circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms are physiological responses to the wake/sleep cycle, and when they are desynchronized from nature they body physically feels sleepy when the worker is trying to be awake (Wickens, et al, 1998). A certain amount of disruption is inevitable when work must be accomplished overnight. But the body can adapt, which takes 4-5 days to occur (Wickens, et al, 1998). Unfortunately, the current schedule provides only six days on a particular shift, and then the shift is altered. The crews are not provided with sufficient time on a particular schedule to adapt before their schedule changes and they must start over. Longer periods of maintaining a particular shift will allow crews the chance to adapt to their schedule.
The second problem with the current schedule is that is allows repeated states of sleep loss. The six-on two-off schedule provides insufficient time to recover from a sleep deprived state. A typical Monday through Friday worker has an average of 21.8 days of work and 8.7 days off per calendar month. The current UAS squadron shift results in 24 days of work and 6 days off each month. Deprivation of sleep that occurs when trying to work against circadian rhythms can build up over time, resulting in a cumulative sleep debt (Wickens, et al, 1998). More days off, or more frequent days off, will allow crews to recover from lost sleep during the work week.
The first change to the new schedule is to alter the team arrangement. Four teams will be consolidated to three. This way, each team can be assigned to a single shift at a time (Figure 2). The team will maintain that shift for a longer period of time. Fast rotations of shifts are poor for circadian rhythm management. But staying on a single shift for excessively long periods of time can also be bad. Long periods of a single shift is only effective if crews can maintain their sleep schedule even during days off (Tvaryanas, et al, 2008). This might be achieved in a deployed scenario where there is little to do outside of work. Realistically this is not probable considering crews have families and other priorities outside of work. The new schedule will rotate shifts every six weeks.
The second change to the new schedule is to alter the number of days each crew works. Since a single team covers a single shift, crews within the team must alternate work and off days to ensure enough workers are present each day. The previous schedule of six-on, two-off will be replaced with a four-on, two-off rotation (Figure 3). This schedule yields a monthly total of 20 work days and 10 days off. The increased frequency and quantity of off days allows more opportunities to recover from sleep debt. The rotation still keeps the same numbers of workers on the shift any particular day as the six/two shift. This type of manning schedule, called a waterfall, has overlap during the transition week when one team moves onto its new shift (Figure 4). But the shifts are still covered with the same number of crews.
         Any changes to the shift schedule are only a partial solution. Increased manning would provide significantly more opportunity for breaks in the schedule for single crewmembers, giving greater opportunities for vacation or alternate duties that do not require shift work. The new schedule gives longer periods on a particular shift to acclimate to the schedule, and also provides more breaks. Both of these should contribute to decreased problems with fatigue and have an overall positive impact on crew performance compared to the old schedule. 
        Tvaryanas, P., Platte, W., Swigart, C., Colebank, J., and Miller, N. (2008). A Resurvey of Shift Work-Related Fatigue in MQ-1 Predator Unmanned Aircraft System Crewmembers. Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School.
        Wickens, C, Gordon, S, and Liu, Y. (1998). An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Figure 1. Current Squadron Shift Schedule.
Figure 2. New Team Arrangement.
Figure 3. New Crew Schedule.

Figure 4. Transition Weeks.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

UAS Beyond Line of Sight Operations

UAS Beyond Line of Sight Operations
Shawn M. Wyne
ASCI 638 – Human Factors in Unmanned Systems
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
    The operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) normally requires a connection to the aircraft through a datalink. This paper explores the method and technique of datalink through a beyond line of sight (BLOS) connection. The technical and procedural implications are described, as well as an analysis of benefits and drawbacks of such a system. Finally, several applications are suggested that may see a benefit of BLOS operations.
Keywords: UAS, BLOS, beyond line of sight, datalink
UAS Beyond Line of Sight Operations
        Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) utilize a number of techniques to receive control inputs and return data to the controller. The MQ-9 Reaper aircraft is manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) with the express capability to operate beyond line of sight (BLOS) from the control station (GA-ASI, 2015). Radio waves have a limitation in that the curvature of the Earth prevents their transmission very far. In order to extend this range, the radio waves need to have a method of reaching an aircraft that is not blocked by the planet. The technique used by the MQ-9 is to bounce the signal off of a satellite in geosynchronous orbit. For many technical and practical reasons, the signal currently chosen for use is in the Ku-band of the radio spectrum. The command signal departs the ground station, arrives at a Ku Satellite Communications Antenna (SATCOM), and is directed at the satellite. The satellite that receives the signal then re-transmits it down to the aircraft, which has an 18 inch satellite dish in the nose (GA-ASI, 2015). The return link signal follows the same path back to the Ground Control Station (GCS). This extends the range of the aircraft to anywhere within the footprint of the satellite, which is hundreds of miles wide. Figure 1 shows the arrangement of systems to achieve this range. Of course this process is neither simple nor cheap. The aircraft is only built in one configuration, but the GCS requires extra equipment to utilize the BLOS link. A specific link manager assembly and ground modem are needed to convert signals into a digital form that is required. The next complicated piece is the SATCOM antenna. This is not a small piece of equipment and requires independent power and controls for operation. It must be precisely aimed and calibrated by experts before use. Of course the most expensive piece of the puzzle is the satellites themselves. Ku-band satellites are a limited resource, and used by many commercial enterprises. MQ-9, and any UAS, are unlikely to have dedicated satellites, so bandwidth is typically purchased from existing satellites. Bandwidth is limited, and is directly related to cost.
        Ongoing operations require a dedicated planning team to schedule the appropriate time and frequencies needed. Operating in this manner also requires communication specialists to coordinate with the satellites for frequencies and numerous other details needed to get a good satellite connection. Government operations also encrypt their signals, so security personnel are needed to keep cryptologic devices current. The last pieces are the ones not unique to UAS operations: the maintenance personnel and the flight crew. For the flight crew, the procedure is actually fairly simple. The communications specialists inform the crew what satellite settings to configure, and beyond that it is simply turning the equipment on. Because the satellite is so exacting, it either works or it does not. If not, the crew cannot do anything besides changing settings.
        The most significant advantage to this mode of operation is the greater range achievable by the aircraft. Because the signal is digital, it allows the inclusion of voice radio, high definition video, and all in an encrypted and secure transmission. There are also limitations involved. Notably, there is a greater time delay between the sending and receiving of signals. Ku radio waves, like all electromagnetic waves, travels at the speed of light. Over a short distance, the time is extremely short. But the distance up to and back down from the satellite is cumulative. Control and response of the aircraft is impacted, since the signal must make two trips between the pilot commanding a turn, and seeing the resulting bank. Additionally, since the signal is digital, there is an unavoidable delay in the processing of the signal. The cumulative effects of these delays can exceed 1.5 seconds (GA-ASI, 2015). While it may seem short, it is long enough to make landing an aircraft under this mode difficult enough that it is prohibited as a rule.
        Depending on the goals and performance of the UAS, this delay does not have to impact its use negatively. But human factors issues do arise from the delays inherent in BLOS operations. Time delays between control inputs and observed responses induce a margin of instability that is prone to error (Wickens, Gordon, and Liu, 1998). Pilot induced oscillations are a continual risk, and the emergency procedures in the technical manual explicitly contain a boldface procedure to recover from this dangerous error (GA-ASI, 2015). The delay is not insurmountable through training, but it is always present. Due to the long duration of flight capability by larger UAS, BLOS operations are a useful tool even for commercial applications. A single aircraft could monitor hundreds of miles of pipelines in a single flight. Where terrain is uneven and might block LOS signals, an aircraft could search for wildfires across the entire state of Colorado.  Even if the land is flat, a UAS could survey coastal damage after a hurricane along the entire coast of Florida. In aviation terms, the distance allowed by an LOS signal is extremely small. Many of the uses of UAS large enough to accept BLOS equipment would benefit from the expansion of its range.
        General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (2015, August 4). Flight Manual, USAF Series MQ-9 Aircraft, Serial Numbers 004, 006, 008, and Above.  California: General Atomics – ASI.
        Wickens, C, Gordon, S, and Liu, Y. (1998). An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Figure 1. UAS Command and Control Diagram reprinted from “Flight Manual, USAF Series MQ-9 Aircraft, Serial Numbers 004, 006, 008, and Above,” by GA-ASI, 2015.

Friday, November 20, 2015

UAS Integration into NAS

UAS Integration into the National Airspace System
Shawn M. Wyne
ASCI 638 – Human Factors in Unmanned Systems
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
The challenges of managing and coordinating large metal machines moving through air at high speeds have always been daunting. In the beginning, pilots simply used their eyesight to avoid hitting other objects and each other. Over time, technology like radar and airborne radios allowed a measure of direct coordination between aircraft. In spite of these changes, mid-air collisions between aircraft continued through the 1950’s and 60’s (Kochenderfer, Holland, and Crysanthacopoulos, 2012). New technology was required to overcome the obstacles of increasing air traffic. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) enacted stricter rules and procedures, but this did not solve the problem alone. The introduction of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) helped, and TCAS II equipment became mandatory in the United States in 1990 (Rosenkrans, 2014). This improvement in technology substantially increased flight safety, just as new technologies did 60 years ago. However, just as it happened before, the new technology is reaching its limit of usefulness (Wyne, 2015). Continued increase in air traffic, and in particular the introduction of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) into the same airspace, requires another leap in technological capability. The National Airspace System (NAS) requires an upgrade of systems and procedures to not only improve safety, but increase efficiency and maximize use of resources.
The process in which the FAA is pushing this change is with the implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). The goals of implementing NextGen cover several areas. The first, as an extension of current systems, is to improve collision avoidance. A new technology that is helping push NextGen and the inclusion of unmanned systems is the introduction of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) equipment. The ADS-B is a replacement system for transponders currently in use for traffic control (FAA ADS-B, 2015). A significant problem with current TCAS, radar, and transponders is their lack of precise information. Radar gives position, but requires a Mode C transponder to return altitude data. Ground radars typically interrogate every 12 seconds, and only request altitude data every other interrogation (Richards, O’Brian, and Miller, 2010). So an average aircraft location is only updated five times per minute, and altitude only two or three times per minute. The new system of ADS-B utilizes a completely new approach. It uses Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) signals to generate a precise location of itself in three dimensions. Then, it broadcasts detailed position data to other users (Richards, et. al., 2010). Because it does not rely on a rotating radar dish, it can send information more frequently, and always include all the data it has. Improved data quality and rate of data updates will be crucial for collision avoidance among heterogeneous airborne systems in increasingly crowded airspace. ADS-B concepts, and the GPS technology behind it, is not particularly recent. However, it is yet to be fully implemented as a tool. The FAA now requires ADS-B compliant equipment for all airspace that currently requires Mode C transponders by 2020 (Babbitt, 2010). As the supporting systems and airborne equipment are fully developed and implemented, they will provide the structure to improve automated collision avoidance systems (Wyne, 2015). This is also a significant addition to UAS operation under potential lost-link behavior. While still updating position to controllers, and maybe more importantly to other aircraft, there will remain a system for other aircraft to avoid a UAS not under positive control.
Another important goal of NextGen is increasing the overall efficiency of air traffic, especially in the departure and terminal approach areas of airports. The significant increase in overall air traffic is overloading the usefulness of the current arrival and departure procedures. Current flight paths in terminal areas are published, fixed routes. Since wake turbulence spacing cannot be decreased, there exists a maximum throughput of aircraft along a single route. NextGen is implementing satellite-based arrival and departure procedures, which instead of being singular, can be unique for different aircraft (Carey, 2015). This means more traffic through a smaller space, since it adds more lateral separation from following aircraft. This also means more aircraft taking off from a single runway, a potential increase of 8-12 departures every hour (FAA NextGen Experience, 2015). This cuts down taxi and holding time for aircraft on the ground, which saves time and fuel. The monetary savings are also significant. US Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx stated the savings already realized under the limited rollout of new procedures is over $2 billion, and expected to surpass $130 billion over the next 15 years if the system is fully implemented (Carey 2015). Unique arrival and departure procedures also provide a tool to keep UAS especially separated from manned traffic, negating some sense-and-avoid limitations.
Another goal of the NextGen system is to increase efficiency in the enroute portions of flight (FAA NextGen Experience, 2015). Similar to arrival and departures, enroute flight paths also follow published paths, similar to roads on the ground. This is convenient for controllers because with the current limited position data, aircraft also have an expected location that can be inferred. The improved position information allows controllers to send aircraft on more direct paths to their destination. The improved courses are a major part of the time and fuel savings air traffic can realize. As a secondary effect, the increased fuel savings from better routing means a corresponding decrease in emissions. With about 85000 daily flights within the NAS, this is no small reduction (FAA NextGen Experience, 2015).
There are other, more technical pieces to the NextGen system improvements, such as replacing analog voice systems, improving data dissemination among ground based controllers, and better integrating weather data into controller decisions (FAA NextGen Experience, 2015). All these are the backbone pieces to implement the front side, which is better flight coordination and planning. The ability to control aircraft to a much more detailed level, send unique and specific flight plan changes, and keep data consistent among many users will bring significant improvements to the NAS. Importantly, it provides a level of control needed to integrate UAS into already congested airspace.
Babbitt, J. (2010, May 28). ADS-B Out Performance Requirements to Support Air Traffic Control Service; Final Rule. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved from:
Carey, B. (2015, November 2). US Transportation, Industry Officials Upbeat on NextGen. Retrieved from
Federal Aviation Administration (2015). Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast. Retrieved November 8, 2015 from:
Federal Aviation Administration (2015). NextGen Experience. Retrieved November 7, 2015 from
Kochenderfer, M., Holland, J., and Cryssanthapolous, J. (2012). Next Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System. Lincoln Laboratory Journal. Retrieved from:
Richards, W., O’Brian, K., and Miller, D. (2010). New Airborne Surveillance Technology. Boeing Aeromagazine. Retrieved from:
Rosenkrans, W. (2014, October). ACAS X. AeroSafety World Magazine. Retrieved from:
Wyne, S. (2015). Collision Avoidance in Unmanned Aerial Systems. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Unmanned Systems 610.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ground Control Station Human Factors Issues

Ground Control Station Human Factors Issues

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have a variety of control mechanisms. Small systems may simply use a handheld remote control. Larger aircraft, however, utilize a more significant mechanism that is essentially a land-based cockpit. This is generally called a Ground Control Station (GCS). The United States Air Force flies MQ-1 and MQ-9 UAS from a GCS built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI). However, this system has been around for many years, and it was not optimally designed. According to a US Air Force Predator commander, the GCS was never given the time to integrate human factors principals into its design (Freedburg, 2012). The control station itself, Figure 1, is a tool to control the aircraft. Stick and throttle, along with rudder and command screens, turn physical commands into computer code commands. The data is then transmitted to the aircraft, which processes the commands and reacts to them. The UAS itself has minimal control logic within itself, it relies on direct commands to perform its functions. There are many human factors problems with this design. The first problem with the system is the manner in which the pilot receives attitude information about the aircraft. The aircraft sends down attitude information to the GCS, and the information is displayed on a HUD. The design of the HUD is similar to those found in fighter aircraft cockpits (Figure 2). Although the HUD itself is a proven concept, it’s execution in this context is problematic. An important principle of human factors in display design is the absence of excessive clutter (Wickens, C, Gordon, S, and Liu, Y, 1998). The HUD has lots of information, but it is not in itself excessively cluttered. The problem occurs in the placement of the symbology. While in a manned aircraft, the HUD is a glass panel with the outside world behind it, in the GCS the HUD must have streaming video behind it. The primary video source on the aircraft is a nose camera that is fixed in the forward perspective (GA-ASI, 2015). This provides a view similar to a manned aircraft, where the HUD is superimposed over the natural horizon. But this is not the only camera on the aircraft, and not the only video that can be displayed. The aircraft also has a targeting camera that rotates and points at the Earth, providing a detailed view of scenes below. This is the primary purpose of the aircraft: to view and collect information with this view. When conducting operations, the pilot desires to view this camera, and the only place to put this video is in place of the nose camera. Now the problem exists where the HUD attitude and horizon are at odds with the video view. During many maneuvers, the video changes angle rapidly, even when the aircraft maintains a straight and level attitude. The potential for disorientation is very high. The best way to eliminate this problem is to separate the HUD from the video. In the current system this is difficult, because not only can the pilot only view one video source at a time, datalink issues limit receiving both videos from the aircraft without degrading the quality of both. A second significant human factors issue is the presentation of other data. The aircraft downlinks hundreds of pieces of information, all displayed in tables (Figure 3). There are more than 65 tables available. This information is helpful, but extremely limited in usefulness. For increased perception, mental models help when the user can perceive pictorial realism and visualize the moving parts of that data (Wickens, et. al., 1998). The variable information tables, of which only two can be viewed at a time, does not have any pictorial aspect. It is simply a collection of words and numbers that require significant attention to ascertain their meaning. And the analog nature of the numbers presents limits to perceived motion of the values. When a number is changing, such as a temperature rising, it is difficult to ascertain its motion, or the rate of that motion. That delays perception of changes within the system. These, among many others, are some of the problems inherent with GCS systems. There is a significant amount of data and information not typically available to a aircraft cockpit. How to present these is a challenge, and one not currently met by the existing system.
Freedberg, S. (2012, August 07). Too Many Screens: Why Drones Are So Hard To Fly, So Easy To Crash. Retrieved from:
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (2015, August 4). Flight Manual, USAF Series MQ-9 Aircraft, Serial Numbers 004, 006, 008, and Above.  California: General Atomics – ASI.
Wickens, C, Gordon, S, and Liu, Y. (1998). An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3

Sunday, November 1, 2015

RPA Autopilot Time-Dependent Behavior

Unmanned Systems Autonomy and Automation

Autopilot Time Dependencies

Shawn Wyne

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

October 4, 2015

Current unmanned systems within the United States Air Force are typically operated singly. That is, they are all treated as individual entities. Any cooperative behavior is accomplished the same way manned aircraft do so. They share some information, but the flight crews are directly responsible for any cooperation. The increasing number of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) available mean that multiple unmanned aircraft will be more frequently tasked to provide synergistic effects on a common objective. One of the more difficult cooperative problems is that of releasing weapons on specific targets. When multiple aircraft are involved, it is possible to affect multiple weapons onto multiple distinct targets within a finite area. However, in spite of multiple guidance types of weapons, there is significant risk of weapons missing their target if the timing is not precise. For manned aircraft, an acceptable tolerance for time-on-target is considered within 30 seconds. But for the small weapon types and very specific target types inherent to RPA operations, the margin of error is realistically plus or minus two seconds. This is currently achievable, but only through significant pilot effort. Because this coordination is difficult to achieve in practice, it is not always attempted, even when it would be prudent. I propose the development of a an autopilot module that will allow the RPA to, on its own, affect a time restricted weapon impact at a specific location, while allowing a full range of release parameters. The MQ-9 is a large RPA manufactured by General Atomics-Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI). The current autopilot and navigation system on the MQ-9 is not designed for these functions, and is not intended for any weapon release at all, and certainly not one with time restrictions. The module I propose must account for external environmental parameters, user-defined weapon release parameters, weapon limitations, aircraft performance capabilities and limitations, and most important of all, a time constraint. The module will provide direct input to flight controls and engine controls to maneuver the aircraft into the precise desired position at the precise desired time, with a margin of error of less than two seconds.


United States Air Force (USAF) doctrine identifies ten principles of war, some of which are: offense, mass, economy of force, and surprise. Additionally, some of the stated tenets of airpower are: concentration and synergistic effects (United States Department of the Air Force AFDD-1, 2011). These principles and tenets are the foundation of coordinated attack maneuvers that have been practiced throughout modern military history. In the realm of air power, these principles are met by placing kinetic weapon effects at a place to exert the most harmful effect on the enemy. Communication and navigation has evolved to a point that allows aircraft to be very precise in weapon placement. This precision means that individual weapons can be placed onto very specific ground locations. To achieve surprise and mass, multiple weapons can be placed in unique locations at approximately the same time. The procedures a pilot, of an RPA or manned aircraft, must follow can be very technical, and have little room for error. Non-automated delivery systems in current RPA use rely on pilot decision making for maneuver and execution. The decision process is best described by John Boyd’s OODA loop (Tremblay, 2015). The cyclic process of “observe, orient, decide, act” highlights the inherent difficulties in decision making processes (Figure 1). But these processes, when understood, are simplified through training and experience. Attempting to facilitate coordinated weapon placement through RPA poses new challenges to the OODA loop. In particular, even the “observe” step is complicated with excess data for a pilot to assimilate. At the “decide” step, the level of precision is restricted to pilot mental computational ability. A common training technique is to utilize rules-of-thumb (ROT) to simplify decision making. ROT are inherently imprecise, but for most purposes their accuracy is sufficient for the task. For example, a timing ROT is to adjust indicated airspeed by one knot for every second of timing error. On a one minute attack run, this correction will work to correct up to around five seconds of error, but will be insufficient if the error is greater. The entire process of the OODA loop and its limitations is circumvented with strategic use of automation. Indeed, “The Air Force vision for autonomy is to increase warfighter effectiveness by enhancing remotely piloted systems capabilities and expanding their capacity to create effects in the battlespace” (USAF RPA Vector, 2014, p. 40). In the case of timed weapon attacks, the process is entirely mathematical. This makes it a perfect task for a computer to handle with automation.


With some helpful tools, pilots are normally capable of placing weapons on target within 30 seconds. However, RPA training only requires pilots to be proficient to an accuracy of one minute (USAF 11-2MQ9v2, 2008). The maneuver problem for timed weapon releases has several variables. Bombs are dropped from a ballistic release point and gravity provides a fixed time of fall. The RPA must intercept the release point at a precise time in order to meet the time on target. Hellfire missiles, however, have a larger weapon engagement zone. But the larger zone means the missile flight time is variable depending on where it is released. The pilot must release the weapon in the zone, but only when the current time of fall matches the needed impact time. Flying in a straight line to the release point is the simplest maneuver. The MQ-9 ground control station provides a timed measurement to a user created Control Point (GA-ASI, 2015). Current groundspeed and distance to the point provide a countdown timer. The pilot must make adjustments to speed in order to correct for deviations. But this time is the time for the aircraft to reach the point, not a weapon on the ground. In the case of a bomb, the ballistic fall path of the weapon is not identical to the flight path of the aircraft, but it is close. Procedurally, this can be used as a ROT to get close. The speeds involved only induce an error of up to 5 seconds at the extreme (USAF AFTTP 3-3.MQ9, 2010). For more precision, a chart is provided for pilots to adjust, mentally subtracting the known error time from the planned time and using this as the new target. Part of this chart is shown in Figure 2. Airspeed adjustments required to make timing changes are also imprecise. At greater distances, small changes have larger impacts. MQ-9 flies attack runs at 165 KTAS (USAF AFTTP 3-3.MQ9, 2010). At 50 miles from a target, a five knot airspeed change yields a 35 second change in target time. The process to adjust speed follows the OODA loop, but each change requires a new loop to verify if the changes made are correct. Wind also exacerbates the problem. The same speed change with a 60 knot tailwind only changes the time by 18 seconds; a 60 knot headwind would make a change of 86 seconds. A long enough run provides enough time for a pilot to make continual adjustments, evaluate, and update, until the time is exactly as needed. But the tactical environment does not often allow for such an approach. The MQ-9 provides persistent full-motion video of a target area, normally at a range of 3 to 5 nautical miles (USAF AFTTP 3-3.MQ9, 2010). This new position means a pilot must hold close to the target, and determine when to turn in for weapon release. The control point method does not work here because the tool uses instantaneous groundspeed for time calculations, so it is only accurate when actually travelling directly at the point (GA-ASI, 2015). An aircraft turn radius is determined by its speed and bank angle. At the standard 165 KIAS for MQ-9 attacks, a standard rate turn has a radius of 0.9 NM, and turn time of 30 seconds. So a pilot must turn when the impact time minus fall time minus final run in distance time minus turn time matches. If wind is present, the turn distance can increase up to 1.5 NM or as little as 0.3 NM. Though seemingly small, these changes in distance alter time to target by more than 1 minute earlier or later (Figure 3). Since the hold position is slightly variable, and the short time on final only allows for speed adjustments up to about five seconds, this process is very difficult to do manually. But there is a tool to automate some of the math. A program written in excel will perform the calculations and present them to the pilot (Hosafros, 2012). The user inputs some known variables and the program calculates the predicted turn times and distances (Figure 4). This alleviates the mental math of various parameters, but still requires the pilot to adjust position, cross-reference the tables, decide when to turn, perform the turn at the correct moment, and make time adjustments after the turn. Hellfire missiles also work with this program, however pilot must choose a single release point instead of being able to use the entire missile’s release envelope. The program is simple but does not account for variable or gusting winds, time allocated to roll into and out of turns, ground track errors on the pilot rollout, and it only estimates the release point of a bomb. It also assumes the variables input by the pilot are accurate, since it does not access data from the RPA itself. The tools available make accurate timed weapon deliveries possible, but prone to human error that makes success less certain.


The MQ-9 has an existing on-board autopilot system. It uses an embedded GPS/INS and typical pitot/static system to maintain stable commanded flight. For redundancy, there are three of each autopilot component. The aircraft employs a mid-level vote processor, which evaluates the data derived from each system to determine which autopilot is best to use and to reject errors or failures within the systems (GA-ASI, 2015).  Manual control for flight is typical, but the aircraft is capable of pre-programmed flight. However, there are significant limitations to how the autopilot processes pre-programmed commands. First, the system utilizes a fixed bank angle of 14.5 degrees (GA-ASI, 2015). This is smaller than a standard rate turn, and increases turn radius by as much as 50%. At a normal holding distance of 5 NM, this shallow turn could place the aircraft with only 34 seconds remaining until weapon release; not enough time to adjust for errors. Pre-programmed flight also has no method to input desired times, and will not change airspeed (GA-ASI, 2015). The autopilot needs a unique weapon specific mode incorporated into the system to achieve the effects that a pilot can only manually accomplish currently. The first adjustment needed is the ability to manipulate bank angle up to 25 degrees as required to meet specific headings and minimize turn radii. An increased roll rate will also facilitate accurate maneuvers. The second adjustment is the ability to input a specific time on target into the system. The autopilot keeps track of safe airspeed ranges (GA-ASI, 2015). Since a normal attack is flown at 165 KTAS, this produces a typical range of +/- 20 knots of adjustment allowed between Vne and Vstall. If all the other parameters are monitored correctly, airspeed changes should not be required. The next piece needed is a model to predict groundspeed at future places in the aircraft flight path. From a hold perpendicular to the final run axis, the current groundspeed does not match the future groundspeed after the turn. Groundspeed is simply calculated as the addition of the measured wind vector with the aircraft vector (Figure 5). The aircraft already contains a wind sensor, which would be used for this purpose (GA-ASI, 2015). The next element of the weapon autopilot is the turn estimator for time. The autopilot already has a detailed flight model. It can be used to calculate and predict the turn radius and time for any set of positional variables. The current manual planning tool only outputs predicted turn times in hold distance increments of 0.5NM, shown in the fourth column of Figure 4 (Hosafros, 2012). This works if the aircraft happens to be at exactly one of those distances, but if not the pilot must interpolate the correct time. The new autopilot will always be able to precisely calculate from its exact position. Another element of the weapon autopilot is control of the throttle to make fine adjustments to time. The autopilot already controls throttle to maintain a commanded airspeed (GA-ASI, 2015). The new element will calculate the required airspeed to make time, and use the new airspeed for its control logic. Engine performance responses to throttle command are not instantaneous, so new airspeeds will not need to be calculated at a very high rate. A calculation rate of 1/10 hz gives the engine time to stabilize at the new commanded airspeed before attempting to adjust it again. The final autopilot element that must be added is steering control for weapon release. A bomb released from an aircraft follows a basic gravity trajectory. The model is contained within the system already, and the target location is backed up to the point of bomb release, called the CCRP (Continuously Calculated Release Point) (General Atomics, 2015). It is currently up to the pilot to fly to the CCRP, and also ensure the aircraft ground track is directly pointed at the target. This ground track is the piece the new autopilot must manage. Ground track, like ground speed, is simply calculated. The autopilot will compare current ground track to desired ground track, and adjust by commanding new headings to the autopilot.

A more complicated aspect of this autopilot is its use for Hellfire missile employment. The Hellfire is a powered weapon, which means it does not follow a simple ballistic fall once released (Gleason Research Associates (GRA), Inc, 2015). Because the missile can also turn after release, it is not forced to be used at a single CCRP. Figure 6 shows an example weapon engagement zone, where a missile can be fired at any point within the green area (GRA, Inc, 2010). Figure 6 shows the weapon fired 110 degrees to the right at a range of 9.8 km. Airspeed and altitude both change the shape of the green engagement zone The time of weapon fall in figure 6 is 53 seconds. Changing only the azimuth to 0 degrees changes the weapon fall time to 38 seconds. This creates a more complicated problem for the pilot to solve when attempting time constrained impacts. The simplest solution is to eliminate the variable of azimuth. By turning the problem into a single release point solution at an azimuth of 0, the same planning tool can be utilized as for a bomb release. Even though this lets a pilot meet time solutions, it negates the flexibility and usefulness of having a weapon that can be fired off-azimuth. The newest Hellfire R variant has an even greater turn ability to fire at targets almost completely behind the aircraft (GRA, Inc, 2015). Current MQ-9 software contains no data for calculating Hellfire weapon release parameters (GA-ASI, 2015). The weapon flight characteristics must be included in the new autopilot module. A separate program called P-Missile Impact Tool exists that will calculate release parameters in real-time (GRA, Inc, 2010). This modeling should be used to not only calculate current parameters, but also to predict future states. Within a set of user-defined boundaries, the new autopilot module must use the same turn prediction and airspeed regulation for time that the components use for bomb dropping. It will add knowledge of acceptable release parameters to meet the same end result.

The new autopilot controls are not particularly difficult to implement. All the math is two-dimensional linear geometry and trigonometry. The processors and flight control surfaces are eminently capable of the speed and accuracy required. But this type of autopilot system was never required before. Pilots have been able to achieve the constraints presented manually. But the consequence to this manual use is an artificial limitation on weapon envelopes and weapon capabilities. Furthermore, the manual use is so difficult as to be infrequently used even when time-restricted employment would be prudent. In order to make the most significant impact in aerial warfare for the United States Air Force, the MQ-9 autopilot needs to be updated for precise weapon engagement tactics.


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (2015, August 4). Flight Manual, USAF Series MQ-9 Aircraft, Serial Numbers 004, 006, 008, and Above.  California: General Atomics – ASI.

Gleason Research Associates, Inc. (2010). P Missile Impact Tool v1.1 [computer software].

Gleason Research Associates, Inc. (2015). Hellfire R: Fixed Wing. Retrieved from:

Hosafros, D. (2012). 17RS Planning Tool 6.0 [computer software].

Tremblay, P. (2015, April 22). Shaping and Adapting: Unlocking the Power of Colonel John Boyd’s OODA Loop. United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College. Retrieved from:

United States Department of the Air Force. (2011, October 14). Air Force Doctrine Document 1. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Air Force.

United States Department of the Air Force. (2008, April 15). Air Force Instruction 11-2MQ-9 Volume 2: MQ-9 Crew Evaluation Criteria. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Air Force.

United States Department of the Air Force. (2010, September 15). Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 3-3.MQ9: Combat Aircraft Fundamentals MQ-9. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Air Force.

United States Department of the Air Force. (2014, February 17). RPA Vector: Vision and Enabling Concepts 2013-2038. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Air Force.

VirtualSkies. (2010). Aviation Navigation: Calculations. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Retrieved September 11, 2015 from:
Figure 1. OODA Loop diagram. Reprinted from “Shaping and Adapting: Unlocking the Power of Colonel John Boyd’s OODA Loop,” by P. Tremblay, 2015, United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College.
Figure 2. Time Split Between Control Point and Actual Time of Fall. From United States Department of the Air Force. (2010, September 15). Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 3-3.MQ9: Combat Aircraft Fundamentals MQ-9
Figure 3. Relative Turn Radii and Time Differences for Changes in Wind
Figure 4. 17RS Planning Tool Output. D. Hosafros, 2012.
Figure 5. Groundspeed Calculation Formula. From VirtualSkies, 2010, Aviation Navigation: Calculations. NASA.
Figure 6. Hellfire Weapon Engagement Zone. From Gleason Research Associates, Inc. (2010). P Missile Impact Tool v1.1 [computer software].