Friday, November 20, 2015

UAS Integration into NAS

UAS Integration into the National Airspace System
Shawn M. Wyne
ASCI 638 – Human Factors in Unmanned Systems
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
The challenges of managing and coordinating large metal machines moving through air at high speeds have always been daunting. In the beginning, pilots simply used their eyesight to avoid hitting other objects and each other. Over time, technology like radar and airborne radios allowed a measure of direct coordination between aircraft. In spite of these changes, mid-air collisions between aircraft continued through the 1950’s and 60’s (Kochenderfer, Holland, and Crysanthacopoulos, 2012). New technology was required to overcome the obstacles of increasing air traffic. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) enacted stricter rules and procedures, but this did not solve the problem alone. The introduction of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) helped, and TCAS II equipment became mandatory in the United States in 1990 (Rosenkrans, 2014). This improvement in technology substantially increased flight safety, just as new technologies did 60 years ago. However, just as it happened before, the new technology is reaching its limit of usefulness (Wyne, 2015). Continued increase in air traffic, and in particular the introduction of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) into the same airspace, requires another leap in technological capability. The National Airspace System (NAS) requires an upgrade of systems and procedures to not only improve safety, but increase efficiency and maximize use of resources.
The process in which the FAA is pushing this change is with the implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). The goals of implementing NextGen cover several areas. The first, as an extension of current systems, is to improve collision avoidance. A new technology that is helping push NextGen and the inclusion of unmanned systems is the introduction of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) equipment. The ADS-B is a replacement system for transponders currently in use for traffic control (FAA ADS-B, 2015). A significant problem with current TCAS, radar, and transponders is their lack of precise information. Radar gives position, but requires a Mode C transponder to return altitude data. Ground radars typically interrogate every 12 seconds, and only request altitude data every other interrogation (Richards, O’Brian, and Miller, 2010). So an average aircraft location is only updated five times per minute, and altitude only two or three times per minute. The new system of ADS-B utilizes a completely new approach. It uses Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) signals to generate a precise location of itself in three dimensions. Then, it broadcasts detailed position data to other users (Richards, et. al., 2010). Because it does not rely on a rotating radar dish, it can send information more frequently, and always include all the data it has. Improved data quality and rate of data updates will be crucial for collision avoidance among heterogeneous airborne systems in increasingly crowded airspace. ADS-B concepts, and the GPS technology behind it, is not particularly recent. However, it is yet to be fully implemented as a tool. The FAA now requires ADS-B compliant equipment for all airspace that currently requires Mode C transponders by 2020 (Babbitt, 2010). As the supporting systems and airborne equipment are fully developed and implemented, they will provide the structure to improve automated collision avoidance systems (Wyne, 2015). This is also a significant addition to UAS operation under potential lost-link behavior. While still updating position to controllers, and maybe more importantly to other aircraft, there will remain a system for other aircraft to avoid a UAS not under positive control.
Another important goal of NextGen is increasing the overall efficiency of air traffic, especially in the departure and terminal approach areas of airports. The significant increase in overall air traffic is overloading the usefulness of the current arrival and departure procedures. Current flight paths in terminal areas are published, fixed routes. Since wake turbulence spacing cannot be decreased, there exists a maximum throughput of aircraft along a single route. NextGen is implementing satellite-based arrival and departure procedures, which instead of being singular, can be unique for different aircraft (Carey, 2015). This means more traffic through a smaller space, since it adds more lateral separation from following aircraft. This also means more aircraft taking off from a single runway, a potential increase of 8-12 departures every hour (FAA NextGen Experience, 2015). This cuts down taxi and holding time for aircraft on the ground, which saves time and fuel. The monetary savings are also significant. US Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx stated the savings already realized under the limited rollout of new procedures is over $2 billion, and expected to surpass $130 billion over the next 15 years if the system is fully implemented (Carey 2015). Unique arrival and departure procedures also provide a tool to keep UAS especially separated from manned traffic, negating some sense-and-avoid limitations.
Another goal of the NextGen system is to increase efficiency in the enroute portions of flight (FAA NextGen Experience, 2015). Similar to arrival and departures, enroute flight paths also follow published paths, similar to roads on the ground. This is convenient for controllers because with the current limited position data, aircraft also have an expected location that can be inferred. The improved position information allows controllers to send aircraft on more direct paths to their destination. The improved courses are a major part of the time and fuel savings air traffic can realize. As a secondary effect, the increased fuel savings from better routing means a corresponding decrease in emissions. With about 85000 daily flights within the NAS, this is no small reduction (FAA NextGen Experience, 2015).
There are other, more technical pieces to the NextGen system improvements, such as replacing analog voice systems, improving data dissemination among ground based controllers, and better integrating weather data into controller decisions (FAA NextGen Experience, 2015). All these are the backbone pieces to implement the front side, which is better flight coordination and planning. The ability to control aircraft to a much more detailed level, send unique and specific flight plan changes, and keep data consistent among many users will bring significant improvements to the NAS. Importantly, it provides a level of control needed to integrate UAS into already congested airspace.
Babbitt, J. (2010, May 28). ADS-B Out Performance Requirements to Support Air Traffic Control Service; Final Rule. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved from:
Carey, B. (2015, November 2). US Transportation, Industry Officials Upbeat on NextGen. Retrieved from
Federal Aviation Administration (2015). Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast. Retrieved November 8, 2015 from:
Federal Aviation Administration (2015). NextGen Experience. Retrieved November 7, 2015 from
Kochenderfer, M., Holland, J., and Cryssanthapolous, J. (2012). Next Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System. Lincoln Laboratory Journal. Retrieved from:
Richards, W., O’Brian, K., and Miller, D. (2010). New Airborne Surveillance Technology. Boeing Aeromagazine. Retrieved from:
Rosenkrans, W. (2014, October). ACAS X. AeroSafety World Magazine. Retrieved from:
Wyne, S. (2015). Collision Avoidance in Unmanned Aerial Systems. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Unmanned Systems 610.